2017-04-05 · Eyeo, the parent company behind AdBlock Plus, announced this morning that it has acquired Flattr. The two companies were already working together on a project initially called Flattr Plus, where


Adblock Plus faller till föga och blir betalförmedlare. Vad som har hänt är att Adblock har slutit en pakt med svenska Flattr, en tjänst genom 

Adblock Plus lanserar nu en ny version av den svenskstartade mikrobetalningstjänsten Flattr som ska göra det enklare för användare att donera pengar till de webbsajterna de ofta besöker. I den tidigare versionen av Flattrs var användarna tvungna att aktivt klicka på en knapp för att donera pengar till webbtjänster men i Flattr 2.0 kommer detta att skötas automatiskt av ett tillägg Flattr Plus basically has nothing to do with ads, because it is independent of Adblock Plus, i.e. you can use either, neither or both. And what it does is it lets you assign a monthly budget, then automatically apportions that budget to the sites you engage with the most — across the entire web. Adblock Plus mengatakan dalam sebuah postingan di situsnya, mereka yang mendaftar dapat memutuskan seberapa banyak mereka akan berkontribusi untuk mendapatkan pengalaman bebas iklan perbulannya, dan algoritma Flattr Plus akan membagikan uangnya di antara situs-situs web yang paling sering terlibat.

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Instead of the user stipulating who the money goes to, Flattr Plus utilizes an add-on to track which content sites you visit and then will use an algorithm to determine how to distribute your allocated budget to these sites. In fact, only a scant 11 percent rely exclusively on ads – a full 78 percent rely on the “ads-plus-other-stuff” model. That is to say, Flattr Plus’s timing couldn’t be better, because while some of that “other stuff” is just fine, the web needs an easy, automatic solution that is not exclusive to particular sites. Flattr Plus - A new way to fund the content you love. (Web App, Advertising, and Tech) Discover 4 alternatives like Adblock Plus and Blendle Linus from Flattr contacted me directly and it was a great pleasure to work with him on this launching teaser for his company. Flattr Plus will let users directly and sustainably fund content they love without reliance on ads, paywalls or paying for single articles.

Flattr Plus will let users directly… It looks like AdBlock Plus has figured out a better way to monetize off all those people who use their ad blocking technology to block ads. They are teaming up with Flattr to offer a program for micropayments for content, as a way for publishers to monetize off those who are blocking ads, and their ad revenue.. Together, the two companies have created a new product called Flattr Plus.

We are proud to present Flattr Plus to the public there for the very first time. The video shows Peter Sunde, co-founder of Flattr and Laura Sophie Dornheim of Adblock Plus on stage at re:publica explaining why the open web needs a solution like Flattr Plus and how it is going to work.

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Flattr plus

Flattr Plus will only trigger flattrs once enough attention has been reached so if you do not engage enough with the content no flattr happens. Opposite to eg ad where impressions pay regardless of attention. And you will always be in charge in the end too! Linus Olsson says: May 5, 2016 at 10:36 am.

Linus Olsson says: May 5, 2016 at 10:36 am. Adblock Plus and (a little) more Flattr Plus · 2016-05-03 15:32 by Ben Williams. Today we’re pleased to announce Flattr Plus, a new product that will allow you to easily and automatically fund the artists, bloggers and musicians you love.Flattr Plus is a joint project with Flattr and it … 2016-05-10 Flattr Plus basically has nothing to do with ads, because it is independent of Adblock Plus, i.e. you can use either, neither or both. And what it does is it lets you assign a monthly budget, then automatically apportions that budget to the sites you engage with the most — across the entire web. Since we announced Flattr Plus in early May we’ve been working hard to perfect what we believe is the web’s missing (monetization) link.

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Det kommer innebära att du som användare på ett enkelt och automatiserat sätt  (co-/)creator of @njal_la, @Flattr, @IpredatorVPN, @TPBdotORG, betala med bara 0%* ränta om en månad (*=33% plus kronofogdeavgift). Denna vecka samtalar Carl Heath med Peter Sunde, aktivist och entreprenör. Peter har med en bakgrund i The Pirate Bay, Kvittar, Flattr och flera andra  ”Stöd innehållsskaparna på internet” - En studie om användarnas attityder kring Flattr Plus och kunskaper om intressebaserade annonser2017Självständigt  Flattr AB har 8 anställda och gjorde ett resultat på -9 520 KSEK med Med Plus får du också tillgång till fria lönevisningar samt utökad information om ansvariga  Vad är historien bakom Adblock Plus och vad var idén och visionen i början som Adblock Browser och vårt mikrobetalningsprojekt Flattr Plus.

by Kurt Schlosser on May 3, 2016 May 3, 2016 at 10:54 am. Flattr Plus says on its site that “for the first time since the invention of the Internet, you can let your browser pay for the content you love.” The add-on pays attention to sites and The tie-up between Sunde’s startup Flattr and AdBlock Plus maker Eyeo, Flattr Plus is designed to solve a problem the companies claim has been present since the web’s invention 27 years ago. Updated: Flattr, the micropayment startup founded by Peter Sunde — one of the co-founders of the notorious Swedish file-sharing site The Pirate Bay — said Monday it’s preparing to launch a new feature that will combine its payment system with Twitter, and allow any Flattr user to send money to someone via their Twitter name. Flattr Plus will only trigger flattrs once enough attention has been reached so if you do not engage enough with the content no flattr happens.
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Flattr plus

1 plus 1 är 3 typ. Tack Rädda blir jag glad av. Om Olle på bloggen Några rader hade haft en sån här Flattr på sin sida hade han fått min tårta för mars månad.

Många av oss fuskar då och då i ett bildbehandlingsprogram som GIMP. Fullt pris för pappersboken är 50 dollar (plus frakt) och PDF:en kostar 40  Flattr the author. Flattr · Nyheter Underrubriken är ”två plus en” och det hela kommer att handla om musik. Och vägar.